Big Fat Daddy's wanted to take a moment and shout out to our Friends over at
Bell Socialization Services in York, PA who have been helping people since 1966. If you are looking for a good charity to donate to why not
donate a few dollars to help out the Bell Family Shelters? Maybe you aren't too far from York, PA and can volunteer some time or drop off a bag of canned goods to help one of their families? They help homeless families, and empower those who are struggling to become more sufficient. Bell is a God-send! We even knew of someone who took the leap and left an abusive husband with her two children and got help from Bell.
Bell is officially on the
CAUSES page now,
has a Facebook page, and have opened up a
Twitter account! We are pleased to go to work for Bell each year at the Olde York Street Fair held in York City, we are located right in the Market Square! Come and visit us! We are happy to give back!
Thanks Bell for all you do! Sending

to you today !