This is a Livermush with Egg an Cheese. A little egg and a lot of Livermush! |
My time in Shelby, NC training at the KCBS Organizer Training wasn't spent all work and no play. I mean it's only natural smelling all the great
barbecue cooking all around Shelby's Hog Happnin' made me hungry. I found the time to sneak out and grab me what they call "A Livermush Sandwich." Now just the sound of it is enough to make some people cringe, thinking of mushy liver, but that's not really what it is.
Sandwich #2 |
It is what I've known growing up to be called "Scrapple" only better and tastes a bit close to sausage. Perhaps we could call it a cousin of Scrapple morphed with sausage spices, and different ingredients. When I asked the locals what spices were in there I got the "little this little that" response and so I think this secret recipe must be highly protected at best by the citizens of this area in North Carolina. I even found out the annual "Livermush Festival" is a big to-do. Whatever it is, it's not as fatty as scrapple, doesn't have as much grease, and is darker in color. Did I mention good? It's damn good.
Tons of vintage cars were lining the festival grounds. |
The old cars at the festival were definitely worth a look-see. There were a wide variety to the old and classic to the modified and unusual. This pink car looks like something Marilyn Monroe would have driven. My wife called this her favorite.
Wife's favorite. |
Now the cars are a usual staple every year at the Shelby Hog Happnin'. Of course they are placed far away from the smoke of the BBQ pits and smokers so as not to get all dirtied up. I am real glad this pink one wasn't for sale because I would not have heard the end of it.
This modified car looks liked a piece of artwork. |
There were a lot of cars modified by their owners. Some took a lot of thought and were downright unique. I am wondering why the fire estinguisher on the back? How fast does Betty Boop actually go?
"Size Matters" according to Betty Boop. |
This motor says "Size Matters" and is turbo charged with Monster Energy Drinks. This was one of three modified in similar in style, but each very unique. This wide open front makes it cool to look at . Here is the ass-end of another:
Very unique detailing and ornaments. Again, a fire extinguisher on this truck.
Why does this remind me of the Sanford and Son Truck? |
Now my wife took a liking to this guy's truck because it reminded her of the red 1952 Ford they used to use for "Sanford and Son" TV show. This was before they switched to a Mercury M-47 1947 one. His bed was lined with a "Welcome to North Carolina" sign and the rear said "Honk if parts fall off."
Time to Relax
All of this festival going was very relaxing to me, as I am used to being on the other side of the festival, having to work long hours in the food stands.
I'm with Betty, size matters.
We did however eat at the festival, and at night after we left. Next time I'll tell you about my trip to Bridges BBQ, somehow relation of Alston Bridge's BBQ.
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If you haven't caught up on my Shelby posts here they are:
Part Four
Part Three
What Competitors Want
Part Two
Alston Bridges BBQ
Part One
Two Old Men and a Grill Take Grand Champion